The Role of a Commercial Grease Trap in Your Kitchen 

The Role of a Commercial Grease Trap in Your Kitchen 

Grease traps for commercial kitchens play a pivotal role in maintaining sanitary health conditions for various industries such as restaurants, hotels, hospitals and more. In many ways, it’s the first line of defence in preventing grease from wreaking havoc on your drainage system. The importance of a grease trap goes far beyond maintaining cleanliness standards in your kitchen, it also plays a pivotal role in preventing damage to the public sewer system. Get in contact with our specialists for any of our comprehensive grease management services. While it can seem a little daunting to understand how a grease trap functions, by the end of this blog you’ll understand the benefits it can provide to your commercial kitchen.


The Importance of a Kitchen Grease Trap

Those across the commercial food service sector have a responsibility not just to their own business, but to the community around them, to have regular grease trap cleanings. Many public health concerns can arise when wastewater isn’t properly managed, such as unpleasant odours, the attraction of pests and even an overflowing sewer system. A well-maintained kitchen grease trap serves as a great preventative measure in avoiding all these issues and keeping your business legally compliant.


How Does a Grease Trap Work?

When dealing with wastewater, you’re essentially handling the disposal of fats, oils and grease, often referred to as FOG. Wastewater containing FOG enters the grease trap through either the sinks, dishwashers or other facilities. Once the FOG has entered your grease trap it begins to separate from the water due to it being of a lower density. Grease traps contain a series of baffles which slow down the flow of water, further allowing grease to rise to the top and not flow out of the trap. Thus, your decontaminated water is able to pass through a small gap at the bottom of the trap, while your grease proceeds to be trapped and later collected.


What Happens to Grease After It Is Trapped?

This is where we come in, at Goodflo, as we not only assist with the cleaning and maintenance of grease traps, but we ensure that your waste is either recycled or repurposed into green energy. We provide efficient grease trap service and maintenance at a time convenient to your business.


Benefits of a Grease Trap

There are many benefits provided by grease traps that go beyond the obvious health and safety concerns. The regular maintenance and cleaning of a kitchen grease trap can help your business avoid potential downtime and costly plumbing repairs. Regular services such as cleaning and inspection ensure the efficient day-to-day operation of your business without disruption.


Problems You Can Avoid by Installing a Commercial Grease Trap

As alluded to earlier, without a kitchen grease trap certain issues like clogged pipes can arise and be a nightmare for health, financial and environmental reasons. When FOG begins to accumulate, it can begin to solidify, causing a blockage. As a result of not having a grease trap, certain problems such as increased maintenance costs, disruption to your business and even legal issues can arise. The good news is these are all very preventable issues, but it takes proactive measures such as grease trap installation and maintenance to prevent it from occurring.


We’re Here for All Your Grease Management Needs

We understand all businesses are different and you may still have specific questions, so contact us through email or give us a call on 01926 334466 to speak to a member of our experienced team.
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